In that day you will ask in my
name. I am not saying that
I will ask the Father on your behalf.
No, the Father Himself loves you as you
have loved Me,
And have believed that I came from God.
John 16:26-27
I was raised with a courtroom mentality of God the Father. He sits on His throne, awaiting my appearance before Him (for illustration, think of Triton on his throne with his trident in his hand). When I enter the courtroom, Jesus is there to plead with the Father to have mercy on me for His sake.
That is not what this verse says. God the Father loves me as much as His Son loves me. He does not have to be convinced to love me. Quite simply, God is not our accuser: Satan and sin bring charges against us; but both were defeated on the cross of Calvary. It gives us such hope and assurance to know that Jesus died to save us from sin, not from the wrath of the Father.
The love of God is greater far
than tongue or pen can ever tell.
It goes beyond the highest star
and reaches to the lowest hell.