Thursday, April 8, 2021

In Quietness and Confidence

In returning and rest you shall be saved;

In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.

Isaiah 30:15 

When I first arrived at a Methodist Church in Virginia, they only had an adult handbell choir - a long-standing group that was very accomplished.  I immediately began to try building a handbbell choir for the youth in grades 6-12, hoping that it would eventually be a feeder group for the adult choir.

By the third year of my tenure, we had 15 youth in our Celebration Ringers group.  In searching for music for them to play, I came across a 4-octave piece entitled In Quietness and Confidence.  Written by organist Kenneth Logan, it is based on this scripture from Isaiah.  It quickly became one of our favorite pieces.

 This world is full of noise and clamor.  Jesus calls us to find our rest and strength in the quietness and confidence of His love. 

In Quietness and Confidence

Kenneth Logan

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