Go take to yourself an adulterous wife
and children of unfaithfulness.
So Hosea married Gomer…
Hosea 1:2,3
When a man surveys the field of potential marriage partners and mother for his children, I don’t think anyone begins the process with the thought, “Let me find the worst possible woman out there.” But that is precisely what God asked of His prophet Hosea. “Find a woman who has already proven she cannot be faithful, and take her as your wife and the mother of your children!”
It is to Hosea’s credit that he did not challenge God, but married the adulterous Gomer, who gave him three children and then disappeared to other men, other beds. At some point, God came back to Hosea and said, “Go get your wife and love her again, even though she is involved with someone else.” Learning that she had been sold as a slave, Hosea found her, bought her back, and settled down to have her as his wife.
Hosea’s living lesson for Israel is relevant to us today: God’s love is everlasting and unconditional. There is nothing we can say or do to cause that love to cease. Paul spells it out as clearly as anyone:
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor thing to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus.
[Romans 8:38-39]
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