Wednesday, April 14, 2021

New Every Morning


The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.

His mercies never come to an end.

They are new every morning.

Lamentations 3:22-23 

I love this verse.  I don’t remember exactly when I discovered it (I don’t do much wandering around in the book of Lamentations), but it has a wonderful mantra for our everyday lives – NEW EVERY MORNING.

There are days when everything goes wrong that could go wrong – you know the type of day, I’m sure.  By evening I am exhausted, disgusted, and feeling relatively sorry for myself.  I crawl into bed and have to remind myself to speak to my heavenly Father before I nod off.  No matter the mess of the day, I always sleep better if I visit with God for a few moments of peace.

The next morning, I hopefully remember this verse.  God’s love and mercies never end because they are NEW EVERY MORNING.  It is a new day, with new blessings, new obstacles, and a new chance to rectify the challenges left over from yesterday.  Grab hold of your new portion of love and mercy at the very beginning of your waking hours.  I guarantee the day will go better.


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