When they came to the place called The
there they crucified Him, along with the
criminals –
one on His right, the other on His left.
Jesus said,
“Father, forgive them, for they do not
know what they are doing.”
Luke 23:33-34
During the dark hours of Thursday night/Friday morning, Jesus was confronted by the mob, betrayed, arrested, deserted by His closest friends, appeared before the Sanhedrin, was denied by Peter, condemned by Pilate, beaten and mocked. His ears were ringing with the shouts of the vast multitude: Crucify him! Crucify him! Forced to carry His own cross, He was taken to Calvary – The Place of the Skull - and crucified between two common criminals.
During the hours before He died, He gave responsibility for His mother to one of His disciples, gave assurance of salvation to one of the men hanging next to Him, and forgave those who had placed Him on that cross. When He cried out, It is finished! and died, nature rebelled against the death of her Creator, as thick darkness enveloped the entire scene. In the city, the curtain that shielded the Most Holy place from human view was ripped in two from top to bottom, signifying the end of the ancient sacrificial system. The true Lamb of God had given the supreme sacrifice.
Good Friday
Matthew 27:1-66
Mark 15:1-47
Luke 22:63 - 23:56
John 18:28 – 19:37
Via Dolorosa Sandy Patti
There will be an Easter Sunday blog, including
The Hallelujah Chorus (with
lyrics) for you to sing along.
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