Tuesday, November 9, 2021

I Am Thankful For: God's Love


Give thanks to the Lord; call on His name.

Make known among the nations what He has done.

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good – His love endures forever.

1st Chronicles 16:5, 34 

This may sound simplistic, but I don’t know what I would do without the love of God in my life:  knowing that He created me, He loves me like a daughter, and He wants the very best for me.  It is hard, sometimes, to not be able to see Him, or reach out and hug Him.  But I know He is right beside me, every step of my day.

So I give thanks to God today for His love, His patience with my human failings, and His compassion and kindness.  I ask Him for the presence of His Spirit which brings peace.


 Open Our Eyes, Lord, We Want to See Jesus

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