Monday, November 8, 2021

I am Thankful for: The Peace of Christ


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts…

and be thankful.

Colossians 3:15 

It is November – the month of the Thanksgiving holiday, and a time when we often turn to thoughts of thankfulness.  The pandemic has made the last year and a half difficult for almost everyone.  It can be difficult to be thankful when you are isolated and afraid. 

Between now and Thanksgiving, I want to share Scripture and song that speaks to our need to give thanks no matter what our circumstances.  No matter what life throws at us, there is at least one thing for which we can thank God, and that is His presence and participation in our lives.  Let the theme of our days be:  I am Thankful for… 

Thanks be to God
(Stanley Dickson – P.J. O’Reilly) 

Thanks be to God for roses rare
For skies of blue and sunshine fair;
For every gift I raise a prayer
Thanks be to God!

Thanks be to God for lovely night,
For mystic fields with stars bedight,
For hours of dream and deep delight
Thanks be to God!

Thanks be to God for love divine
The hopes that round my heart entwine;
For all the joy that now is mine,
Thanks be to God!



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