So then, just as you received Christ
Jesus as Lord,
continue to live in Him, rooted and
built up in Him,
strengthened in the faith as you were
and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7
There is an old saying – feed a cold, starve a fever. It makes good sense, for when you have a fever, you are miserably uncomfortable and the thought of food is the furthest thing from your mind. When you have a cold, you might be miserable with the sniffles and congestion, but your stomach is still demanding something to eat.
Whether we’re talking about plants or children, or sick adults, they don’t flourish unless they’re fed. We could say the same about love, or knowledge, or faith. Nothing becomes better or stronger unless it’s nurtured, practiced, developed.
Your faith can be fed by reading stories of faith in His
Word, daily remembering what the Lord has done for you in the past, and
thanking Him for the compassion, love and guidance He showers on us every
single day.
I Know Whom I Have Believed Fountainview Academy
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