Friday, November 19, 2021

I Am Thankful For: The Victory!


But thanks be to God! 

He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:57

My father was the kindest, funniest, wisest man in my small world of childhood.  He could also swear like a drunken sailor, and I – who was attached as closely to him as I could get - absorbed that vocabulary like a thirsty sponge.  Gaining that dubious proficiency was automatic.  Getting rid of it?  That’s been another matter altogether.

The Lord and I have had many talks about my speech over the years.  I wish I could tell you that no longer need to have those talks, but that would not be the truth.  What I have learned in my long struggle with my tongue is that victory is a daily gift.  There is now a small voice that alerts me, “Ooops.  Bad word approaching!”  Some would call that my conscience.  I prefer to think of it as Jesus’ gentle voice, saying: “Come on, Sherrie, get a grip.”  Every victory gives the strength to conquer the next.  Thanks be to God!

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