Wednesday, October 13, 2021

A Psalm of David: Psalm 5



Psalm 5 is another psalm of King David.  In my mind’s eye, I can see David sitting on a boulder at sunrise, not knowing what the day might hold for him and his men.  He lifts his voice in song – a musical prayer to the Creator God he worships.  He lets the Lord know his needs and requests at the very beginning of the day.  Then notice – he does not run off and get down to business.  No, David says, “I wait in expectation.”  He waits for God’s voice, for God’s thoughts to guide him before he sets off.

The video today is of a chorus written in 1983 by Bill Sprouse of Maranatha Music.  It is a wonderful chorus to sing in the morning, as a prelude to laying your requests before the Lord.  The words are on the video and the chorus is repeated three times.  Take a moment and learn it.  It is well worth the time and effort.


Psalm 5 - Maranatha Singers 

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